The Connection Between Music and Emotions

Understanding the Basics 🎶

Do you ever ask yourself why a particular song or genre of music effects to you so much?

I am sure you know that music is this incredible force that has the power to evoke emotions in you – from nostalgia to excitement, joy to feeling sad. But do you know how this happens?

In this post I will share the basics and uncover both the positive and negative effects of music on the brain and emotions.

How Music Impacts the Brain Positively 🧠✨

When we listen to music, multiple areas of the brain become activated simultaneously.

Research done on this topic shows that music stimulates the brain’s reward system, specifically the nucleus accumbens, which is responsible for releasing dopamine, which is often referred to as the ‘feel good’ chemical. This is the same neurotransmitter that is released when we engage in pleasurable activities, such as spending time with loved ones or enjoying a delicious meal.

Melody, rhythm, and tempo combined work together to evoke these emotional responses, which lead to feelings of relaxation, happiness, increased energy, depending on the type of music and its structure.

For more on how music activates the brain’s reward system, check out this study on dopamine release.

Rhythm and Emotional Response 🎵

Faster-paced rhythms

Music played with this type of rhythms plays a powerful role in influencing how we feel. It increases the heart rate and the breathing may increase, which can trigger feelings of joy, excitement and boost the energy levels, too. You might have noticed that in workout classes or energising activities, the use of upbeat tracks helps you feel more motivated.

Slower rhythms

This type has the opposite effect. It encourages the body to slow down and hence leads to feeling calm and relaxed. This is why activities such as meditation or unwinding after a stressful day are best matched with slow, soothing music.

Effects on our emotions

It is not only your energy level that gets impacted by rhythms – they also affect your emotions, very often on a deeper level and into feelings you didn’t even know were there. Depending on the beat and tempo, these can create an emotional atmosphere, and then the rhythm interacts with your body and brain and altering your mood based on the speed of the music (fast or slow).

To learn more about how tempo influences emotions, you can explore this article.

The Emotional Language of Melody 🎶

Notes, chords and harmony

Melody uses different notes and chords, which creates a unique way of shaping your emotions. Major chords tend to make you feel upbeat, happy or positive and this is why songs in a major key often sound uplifting, cheerful and positive.

Minor chords however are linked to emotions such as sadness or tension, hence giving music a more reflective or serious feel, and quiet often evoke feelings of introspection in you.

Harmony is the way different notes come together and can also affect how you feel.

Harmonies that sound smooth and pleasing can create a sense of calm or relaxation. But if the notes don’t fit together as smoothly, they can create tension or unease, building suspense in the listener aka you.

Scientific studies show that our brains react differently to these musical elements, which explains why music can move you so deeply.

This article explores how melodies and harmonies can influence emotions, offering a deeper understanding of the connection between music and emotional states. Feel free to dive in for more detailed insights! 

The Negative Impact of Music on the Brain 🔄

Whilst I talk about the positive impact music can make in our lives, I want to mention that there can be a negative impact on your brain. It all depends on the context.

Stress and Anxiety from Disruptive Music

Research shows that loud or jarring music can trigger the release of cortisol, the hormone responsible for stress.  An example of this is music in clubs or loud venues that can overwhelm the brain and lead to irritability, maybe even stress and anxiety!

For more, check out this study on the relationship between loud music and stress from the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America

Negative Memory Triggers

Not all music or songs evoke positive emotions in you, they can also do the opposite and remind us of difficult or traumatic experiences. It can bring up negative emotions, maybe even trigger feelings of sadness and hence it is crucial to be mindful of this as music is closely tied to memory.

Overstimulation and Mental Fatigue

It is possible to become mentally fatigued by too much music, especially in noisy environments such as open offices or cafes. This can increase cognitive load and reduce focus, which leads to stress and decreased positivity.

Addiction to Music-Induced Dopamine

Hard to believe but using music too much for emotional regulation can create a dependency (the dopamine fix)! Ensure you have other mood-regulating techniques as well to not lead to emotional imbalance when relying on music alone.

Scientific Research on Music and Emotions 🔬

A 2013 study found that listening to happy music improves our ability to recognize positive emotions, while music therapy has been proven to reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.

If you would like to read a little more about the studies done Music and Emotions, which have shown that music is a powerful tool for both emotional regulation and emotional disruption, I have added the links below.

Study on emotional recognition and happy music (2013)

You can also explore this research on music therapy and mental health.

The Personal Connection 🎧

Creating awareness on your own personal relationship between music and your emotions is worth working on. Recognising what music bring out positive emotions and what brings up rather negative feelings is worth exploring and can help you better harness its power for better wellbeing.

Ready to Find Your Musical Harmony? 🎼

Are you curious to find out how you are using music right now, in  your own life? Would you like to explore ways and strategies to more consciously integrate music for better (emotional) wellbeing?

Book a Music Momentum Session with me! We will dive into how you are currently use music, what you would like to change and work out strategies that you can implement to improve your emotional and mental wellbeing, so you find more harmony that enhances your life. 🎶✨

👉 Book your session now and let’s discover the harmony between you and your music.

PS: I chosen the below song by Tears for Fears because it is a song that has a mix of upbeat rhythm and introspective lyrics, reflecting the complex emotional layers that music can evoke. The song’s melody and harmonies can resonate with themes of reflection, stress, and the pursuit of balance, which align with the post’s focus on music’s effect on wellbeing