An Interview With

Peta-Ann Wood

SEASON 3 | EPISODE 71 | 11 Sept 2023

How to become more intuitive with the help of music

Do you know how music is part of being clairaudient?

I did not until I met Peta-Ann and her deep ability to see and feel music on a completely different level. She is a woman that approaches life from an angle of acceptance, love and inclusivity and in a way that is elegant but also rebellious. She is the definition of ‘Elegant Rebel’ and it is also her mission to make each and every one of us understand that we too are unique and need to share this with the world, without apology.

Part of her journey through life is deeply connected with music. And music is there to nudge her, sometimes gently other times more forcefully, to make her stop, listen and receive messages sent to her that she needs to hear and learn from.

In our chat Peta-Ann shares situations where music literally changes her mood and life. Also how growing up she always felt this deep and powerful connection to it, how this incorporates with her Woo Woo’ lifestyle and what she wants others to realise when it comes to having music in their life.

A powerful and rebellious chat that hopefully will make your ears prick up a little more when it comes to songs and sounds that are around you.


Peta-Ann Wood

Peta-Ann is the Founder of Elegant Rebel, providing support for other soul-full rebels in rediscovering their uniqueness and celebrating all that they are and can be. Elegant Rebels choose to follow their inner-knowing instead of societal norms and take heart-centred action filled with compassion, kindness and grace.

Her desire to assist other people thrive, stems from her many years studying Humanities and Complementary Therapies alongside a stellar career as a communication specialist, in the fields of politics and government. This included spending 20+ years with police and emergency services. During this time, Peta-Ann had the honour of working directly alongside officers protecting and serving the Queensland community. She developed and led many award-winning Qld Police programs such as the anti-violence campaign ‘One Punch. Can Kill’ and the introduction of the non-urgent Policelink Contact Centre.

Peta-Ann is also a breast cancer thriver, having a bilateral mastectomy in her mid-40s. Post mastectomy, she decided to elegantly rebel against society’s version of normal and chose to ‘stay-flat’ – meaning no prosthesis and no reconstruction.

This decision came after much soul searching, trial and error and discovering the really odd things that may occur to your mind, body and soul after having a bilateral mastectomy.

It was the indescribable need to share these really odd things, so others could make the best choices for themselves in a traumatic situation– and not for society – which led Peta-Ann to publishing her first book, “What happens when they don’t grow back – the upside down view of life after a bilateral mastectomy”.

Now an IndieReader approved author, it was through her writing that Peta-Ann reignited her passion for assisting others to rediscover their authentic self and realise the answers are always within them—buried most of the time, but still there.

Sharing from a place of lived experience, Peta-Ann cherishes being able to assist other like-minded souls discovering they too can elegantly rebel and do not need to ‘find themselves’ or a ‘new normal’. We simply need reminding of how to celebrate own uniqueness every day.


First anniversary of the release of my first book – ‘What happens when they don’t grow back – the upside down view of life after a bilateral mastectomy.’

After breast cancer treatment, I decided to elegantly rebel. To stay flat. To simply be myself. Stylishly. Authentically. No boobs required. I have been a proud ‘Flattie’ since 2015!

No subject is sacred in my wee tome. Normal is not expected when reading this book. Normal is debunked in fact. You may even discover the fact when you don’t fit in with society’s version of normal is exactly how you fit in.

In this heartfelt, openly honest read, I share how I decided to rebel quietly and definitively against external expectations and their version of normal. By sharing my experience and toolkit, my hope is others will find their own voice. Take up their own space. Stand in their own personal power. Ask their own questions. Find their own truth.

Celebrate their uniqueness more info link –



Click image below to listen to my interview with Peta-Ann on Spotify for Podcasters. 



Press play button below to watch the video interview with Peta-Ann.



  • Her music story; from childhood to today
  • The importance of music in her life
  • Examples of how music can bring deep & lasting memories for us
  • The power of music combined with intuition
  • Elegant Rebel – the story of staying flat after break cancer & how music is connected to this
  • Why tuning into clairaudience is needed for personal development
  • Two songs that mean a lot to her
  • Why ‘Woo woo’ is not what people think it is
  • Peta-Ann’s message to everyone

via her website and social networks

Follow Peta-Ann on her various social networks or visit her website by clicking the links on the left & below.

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If you’d like to read a transcript of the entire YouTube interview, please click on the button below to download a copy.