Blogger at 'Ponderlust'

Believer in dreams and cheesecake. Always looking for the funny in every moment. Check out my Ponderlust blog.

Often we find ourselves looking for something. We yearn for a sense of family and community and having a place to belong. We look for those who dream and believe like we do to support each other. We want to come together to celebrate a connection and have a dialogue directly with those where our voices can be heard. We want to be in a place where we can appreciate that we are all different and unique and that’s what makes us one.

No judgement.

A place we can celebrate our achievements and moments. Where we live loud, make mistakes and sometimes fail, but pick ourselves up and reach for whatever is our personal success.

I found all of this and then some with Thirty Seconds to Mars.

The heart stopping music grips you, the thoughtful lyrics often hit home and the most welcoming band and Echelon of fans makes you feel like you are a part of something bigger.

The music reminds us we all matter and the band encourages us to reach for our dreams and have faith that anything is possible.

Jared Leto put it best when he said “We have something special. It’s not for everyone. Not everybody will understand it and that’s fine with us. It’s just for the people that do.”

I’m sure some unfamiliar with the band and its values may watch the clip to the song I feel impacts me the most and it may not make sense to them.

But it is my anthem. It is my reminder that being on my own path is the right path. It’s where I can shout NO NO NO and release my frustrations at the world. It’s where I can miss those who mean so much to me and know goodbye isn’t forever. It’s where I go to remember I am not alone.

Here is why Closer To The Edge by Thirty Seconds to Mars means so much to me…….

I don’t have all the answers right now for everything I am going through, but what I do have is a new day, a new perspective and a new outlook.

I may not be able to fix everything overnight or make it go away, but what I can do is persist and not give up because I can and I will.

I don’t know where tomorrow will lead or whether the things I want to achieve are going to take a week, a month or years.

What I do know is if I don’t keep myself in mind, who will?

Nobody will reach my goals for me and nobody else will make my dreams come true.

So I will do what I can to get to where I want to be.
I will do this without placing unrealistic expectations or pressure on myself and I will do it with the mindset that every timeline is different.

Every journey is unique and that is okay.

I will never FORGET .

I will never REGRET .